Vi-DSP is a Demand Side Platform (DSP), an automated platform that exchanges data for advertisers’ business interests with SSPs, Ad Networks, and Ad Exchanges. The aim of DSP is to buy ad impressions for users who exactly match the advertisers’ requirements. It also makes it as cheap and profitable as possible.

With our advanced Supply-Side Platform (Vi-SSP), you can seamlessly connect to top demand sources, achieve optimal CPMs, and unlock new revenue streams — all while maintaining complete control over your inventory and ad experience.


Vi-DSP is a Demand Side Platform (DSP), an automated platform that exchanges data for advertisers’ business interests with SSPs, Ad Networks, and Ad Exchanges. The aim of DSP is to buy ad impressions for users who exactly match the advertisers’ requirements. It also makes it as cheap and profitable as possible.

With our advanced Supply-Side Platform (Vi-SSP), you can seamlessly connect to top demand sources, achieve optimal CPMs, and unlock new revenue streams — all while maintaining complete control over your inventory and ad experience.

Here's What Partnering With Us Brings

Less number of the mediators (by more than 10 times)

Buying high-quality traffic directly

Customization of purchase algorithms based on your requirements

Acquisition of a target audience and performing campaigns across it

Collecting extended statistics on user’s behavior

Freedom and new opportunities for business development

Here's What Partnering With Us Brings

Buying high-quality traffic directly

Less number of the mediators (by more than 10 times)

Collecting extended statistics on user’s behavior

Customization of purchase algorithms based on your requirements

Freedom and new opportunities for business development

Acquisition of a target audience and performing campaigns
across it

Situations in Which DSP is Useful

You have to start ad targeted on mobile identifiers (IDFA, MAID, GAID, MD5)
Working with this type of data becomes especially relevant in the cookieless era.
When you need CPI/CPA optimization and CPC purchasing models
DSP makes it possible to trace conversions and set goals for advertising campaigns.
When you demand support for private auctions and direct transactions
It is also possible to negotiate specific conditions (locations, volume, price, etc.).
When it is necessary to set up retargeting qualitatively
Users will be "caught up" with banners that exactly match their browsing history on the advertiser’s website. Due to the huge number of connections to SSP and access to billions of advertising displays, DSP can "reach" almost any visitor to the website.
When you need to increase the amount of brand advertising (CPM model)
DSP guarantees the display of your ads on thousands of websites that are visited by your target audience.

Please reach out for a more in-depth look at the DSP + DMP capabilities, ad formats and integration capabilities

Please reach out for a more in-depth look at the DSP + DMP capabilities, ad formats and integration capabilities